
Make Your Impact.


Give to the Impact Fund today!

Whether it’s your grocery bill or rent payment, it’s no secret costs have risen significantly over the past several years. Health care is no exception, and so many people sacrifice their mental and physical well-being to allocate funds elsewhere. Through our Impact Fund, we seek to make high-quality health care accessible and affordable for all who need it – not just those who can afford it.

Areas of impact.

Our Impact Fund addresses several unique areas of need, allowing your impact to be felt in countless ways across our community.

Pharmacy Prescription Assistance Program

co-pay assistance for people who can’t meet out-of-pocket costs for their prescriptions

Mobile Health

a mobile medical unit that provides testing and vaccines, health and dental screenings, primary care, and pediatric services to the community

Healthcare for the Homeless Program

a program housed at Oak City Cares that provides primary care and behavioral health services for men, women, and families experiencing homelessness

Pills on Wheels

a pharmacy delivery program that provides home delivery to patients with limited access to transportation

Power Hour

a series of monthly sessions designed to educate patients on a variety of health care topics

Community Outreach

initiatives that provide supplies and support for programming during themed weeks, such as National Health Center Week

Healthcare for the Uninsured

a safety net for patients who do not have access to health insurance (roughly 30% of the patients we serve)

Family Foundations

a program supporting our OBGYN services, accessible maternal and child health education, newborn care packages, and our in-house diaper bank

The community you’re impacting.

patients served each year (avg)

patient visits conducted yearly (avg)


patients below federal poverty line


patients are uninsured


patients are on Medicaid

Why it matters.

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